Spartanburg Chapter Knights of St. Andrew
Chartered July 2009
Our Chapter was founded in July of 2009 and our Charter Members began work immediately for the good of the Valley. Our purpose is two-fold: first and foremost, to serve the Valley by assisting with whatever is necessary, so far as we are able. Secondly and just as importantly, we train the 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the structure and philosophy of the Spartanburg Scottish Rite Bodies. We encourage all new 32° Scottish Rite Masons of the Valley to join the ranks as soon as possible so that we can provide opportunities for them to become involved. It is our desire to help new members obtain positions in Degree Teams, Stage Crew, Membership Development and many other opportunities.
But it will not all be work. We also plan family-style social gatherings because we know that the Scottish Rite Mason wants to involve his family, as well as himself. This has the added benefit of helping us to become a unit instead of just a bunch of guys. Membership in our order is open to all 32° Scottish Rite Masons who are members in good standing of the Spartanburg Valley. When a member receives the rank and decoration of the Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, he must surrender his active membership in the KSA and any subsequent office he may hold in the chapter. He then becomes a Knight Emeritus. Our KSA meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. 2024 Officers Knight Captain of the Host Jason Turner Knight Marshal N. Richard Greene Knight Warden Sha A. Skipper Knight Seneschal H. Boggs Higgins Knight Chancellor H. Boggs Higgins Knight of the Watch Fredrick J. Phillips Knight Chaplain Gene Michael Kuszmaul |
P.O. Box 5851
Spartanburg, SC 29304-5851
Judson N. Seay III, 32º KCCH, General Secretary
[email protected]
Spartanburg, SC 29304-5851
Judson N. Seay III, 32º KCCH, General Secretary
[email protected]